

latest blog posts

3 Ways to Find Motherhood Motivation on the Tough Days
When we have a tough mothering day, we all need motherhood motivation to find joy, right? We need to know[...]
How to Have the Restful Family Vacation You Really Want
Ever needed a vacation from your vacation? I sure have. Family vacations can be wonderful times of exploration and discovery.[...]
Is Money Tight? Here's 10 Ways to Stretch Your Budget
Today I'm sharing something really personal. Due to some recent changes at my husband’s work, our income has dropped and we’ve[...]
How I'm Dealing with Mom Burnout
Mom burnout is a real thing. I know because I've experienced it many times. Are you going through a really[...]
50 Ways to Manage Stress and Encourage Peace
Ah, blissful, ignorant me. When I first started this homeschool journey, I thought that homeschool stress was something that only other moms would[...]
Mom Competition: Can We Stop the Madness?
I see you at the park, the store or next to me at our homeschool co-op. And I can't help[...]
My Mess Is Here to Bless
It was 1:25 p.m. and our minivan scooted up the driveway into the garage. I knew that a friend of[...]
Every Moment Is A Gift (and 6 Small Ways to Intentionally Savor Them)
We said goodbye to our wonderful dog last week, and I’ve been surprised at the levels of grief I’ve been[...]
Mama, Is It Time to Stop and Listen?
Have you ever known that you needed to take care of something... but you just kept putting it off? That[...]
Mommy Guilt: Conviction or Condemnation? 6 Steps to Freedom
Mommy guilt: Here's how to tell the difference between a healthy conviction that we need to re-focus our efforts on our kids;[...]
When Saying No Is Really Saying Yes to Your Family
This guest post was written by Connie Albers of ConnieAlbers.com.   The phone rang. “Hello?” I answered. I heard a[...]
Life Off the Merry-Go-Round: 7 Tips for True Soul Replenishment for Homeschool Moms
  This post contains affiliate links which help cover ongoing site costs. Click here to learn more.   For many families, including mine,[...]