
let's talk about

spiritual growth and discovering your vibrant life.

here's what I know:

God uses every season and every circumstance for one purpose: To draw us closer to Him and develop us into the mighty, grace-filled women we were meant to be.

You have a Father who cares deeply for you (Luke 12:22-28). He is orchestrating every day of your life and has done so since even before you were born (Psalm 139). Do you know these truths? I mean, really know them?

I've found that understanding how much God loves me changes everything--namely, my perspective on my circumstances and my world.  

We don't have to put vibrant living "on hold" because we're busy moms or working women (or both). I'm learning that vibrant living--the kind Jesus describes in John 10:10--is possible for everyone in every season!

And while he doesn't promise a problem-free life, His spirit empowers us to live victoriously through every season by His grace, power and love. That promise keeps me listening intently and bravely striving to become His best version of a "vibrant me". How about you?

I want to share:

Let's discover together what it means to be a strong woman in Christ--a daughter of God full of grace, bravery and strength.

What's your biggest obstacle in growing spiritually? Let me know in the comments below. 

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P.S. If you ever need prayer (we all have those hard days!) I'm only an email away: alicia@vibrantchristianliving.com.

I'm excited to get to know you too and to share this journey together!