
Category Archives for "Motherhood"

Has your child seen porn? Are you scared and have NO IDEA what to do next? Here’s my story (and advice and encouragement for all parents who find that their child is looking at pornography or has porn addiction). Every Christian parent needs to read this!

Help! My Child Is Looking at Porn

Porn: That’s a scary word for most parents. We’ve all heard stories of how porn rips marriages apart and destroys families. But let me tell you–it’s even more frightening when you discover your child is looking at porn online. Horrified. Terrified. Repulsed. Feelings of failure as a parent. These are just a few of the emotions I felt when […]

CONNECT WITH YOUR FAMILY at dinnertime! Love these fun tips and adorable tools that make it easy and fun to encourage family conversations around the dinner table. GREAT ideas here!

17 Ideas for Meaningful Family Dinner Conversations

For years, experts have told us that families who regularly share dinner together enjoy meaningful connection and build family relationships as they gather around the kitchen table and discuss their day. And yet, our family has found that meaningful dinner time conversation doesn’t always happen naturally! Food may gather us around the table, but it’s easy for electronic […]

Commitment—it’s such an important character trait for kids to learn! How can we both model commitment and give kids hands-on experience learning about commitment? Be inspired with these great tips and practical tools for all parents!

11 Practical Ways to Teach Kids About Commitment

Character traits like commitment aren’t born in us, but are purposely developed. How can we help our kids develop this very important life skill? How can we share with them both the importance of commitment and the practical steps to developing commitment? In my own experience, I’ve found that kids learn character traits through both strong modeling and […]